JULY 2017
Phase 1
Getting all the donated fluffy friends and making sure they all get the names chosen by their donors. Just a few of those endless photos...
Phase 2 and 3
Packing around 350 fluffy friends. Luckily Miss Stanhope is a packing professional. Flying off to Lebanon.
Phase 4
Art activities with Syrian refugee kids. This time in the art center of Basmeh and Zeitouneh of the Shatila refugee camp. More about the art activities will come as all the photos of the drawings are uploaded.
Phase 5
Driving up from Beirut to the mountain area in Lebanon called Bekaa, to visit Syrian refugee children there and bringing them fluffy friends. This is just a selection of photos. Remember, we distributed with the kind support of the himaya NGO (located in the Bekaa) more than 350 fluffy friends.
As humans are often very busy like Miss Stanhope, I have put the photos online in sub sections. No one wants to click through 400 photos... Donors looking for their specifically for their donated fluffy friend with their refugee child please click here for ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PR ST UVWXYZ.
Phase 6
Eating Tabouleh and flying back home with empty bags.
There will be a "next FLUFFY MISSION", but as the Lobilat's refugee projects are mainly run by (human) Miss Stanhope... we will take some time organise the next dates.. This project did not only cost us lots of time and nerves, but also also some money. You are very welcome to support Lobilat's refugee projects in Lebanon and in Berlin.